After spending my weekend digging in the dirt and pulling out so much English ivy, Maackii's and Japanese honeysuckle on the heels of weeks of rain, I am covered in mud. Yet, the side yard is looking very good.
I trimmed up the four Azalea under the bathroom window and removed all of the multiflora rose, Ailanthus and whatever else that had decided to grow in and amongst them.
Since I drive a Miata, (blush) Morgan is working out the details of having someone come haul the ever growing pile of limbs to the city's composting facility and bring back a load of compost for the flower beds.
The Hedera and Lonicera are nearly gone from the fence row just across the yard from the Azalea. I am beginning the process of moving Vinca from the places that it has escaped from the various beds around the house and planting it where all of the unwanted plants were.
Lastly, I planted the myriad bulbs that Morgan bought last month and cannot wait for her to see how good this bed in front of the house will look come spring. There are Crocus, Hyacinth and Narcissus to the right of the tree and Iris to the left.
Is it spring yet?
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