Morgan has made some great strides in painting our bathroom. We picked up a really cool light fixture to hang over the vanity. After she removed all of the wallpaper, she is patching the Drywall and preparing to paint the walls a light, tobacco brown with a paint that finishes in a really cool suede texture. I helped with a little caulking around the shower and bathtub.
I would show her painting the ceiling and around the skylight, but she tends to paint, um... naked so...
My job was to continue to remove all of the Hedera and Lonicera from along the fence and the northwest corner of the house. It was this thick everywhere after so many years of neglect.
The fence row looks good now. It's too shady for grass along the fence, but we need to plant something. Perhaps some lily of the valley and Nandina would be nice along here.
I made a big dent in removing the Hedera and weeds from around the house, but pooped out after filling five yard waste containers with the vines and weeds that I pulled up.
I finished planting the Hydrangea and the Hosta in the bed on the east side of the house and cut in a little more horse manure. The soil was rather barren before I started, so it could still use some more organic matter. We need to pick up some more compost and then mulch around the plants. I would love to add one of my favorite plants, Polygonatum, a dwarf crested iris or two, perhaps some more Hosta and a few cool ferns, but it already looks really good to me.
It makes me so happy to see this bed. I love shade-loving plants quite a bit. Every time I round the corner, I am reminded of the plants that Mom and Dad used to have around our house. That makes me smile.
I have always enjoyed painting nude. Also, stripping wallpaper, cooking, cleaning and pretty much everything else I can do naked is better than doing it with clothes on. I wasn't nick-named Cheesecake without reason.
ReplyDeleteThe bed on the side of the garage looks really great. It's funny, the hydrenga I planted at the one end of it looks so small in comparison to the ones at the house in Maumelle. I soooo wanted to dig those ones up and bring them home here. Because this is our home. Thanks for living with me.
Now show me your butt?